Golden Opportunities in Life

It was very nice to see at those two kids 
Catching fishes (or trying to catch fishes)
I think they didn't have any experience
They might have seen someone catching fish
They were just repeating the action which they had seen

The best part was they were giving their best
Hoping they will catch some fishes in some time
Both the innocent kids were enjoying
And had a hope to get some fishes

They tried all possible tricks and techniques
Their small brains can think of
After about an hour both of them jump with joy
A fish finally surrendered at their hook 
And saluted their commitment

In our day to day Life we also do same like those kids...
 We don't know everything 
But we see and repeat some actions
We have a lot of hopes and dreams
We use all tricks and techniques for success

But in this fishing of opportunities
We sometimes forget
There are lot of fishes of opportunity in life
But our hook can catch only one fish at a time
Sometimes it will be big enough
Sometimes it will be small
Also every time we throw hook we won't get a fish
Some intelligent fishes don't come to hook
We forget we have to be patient
And have to be calm 
Till fish reaches our hook

After some time by looking at your commitment
Opportunities also start saluting you
They come to your hook
And surrender to you
That is what all call Success...

Learn this fishing technique...
Life is beautiful...
There is abundance in nature...
Just be calm and patient...
You can get lot of fishes...